Ideation to Actuality

Ideation to Actuality:
Comparing the Creative and Scientific Process


A research project


Whether an artist or a scientist, new ideas excite and invigorate. We approach this subject matter from different disciplines and practices: one, as a scientist (Christine), the other, an artist (Karen).

In a multi-year collaborative study, we explored three areas with a group of artists and scientists: 1) Ideation; 2) Collaboration; and 3) Communication. We used one set of questions for both Creative and STEM professionals, crafting questions so individuals from both fields could respond. This study looks at best practices, similarities, and differences.

Examining Ideation processes for Creative and STEM disciplines reveals similarities between how these professionals think and work. The overlaps in disciplines reveal common nodes of working style and process; overlaps that could facilitate collaborations and enhance both fields. The slight divergences that were revealed in the data show practices and tactics that could be further implemented in the alternate field (STEM for Creative; Creative for STEM), here too facilitated by collaboration. The data shows that many artists and scientists rely on inspiration and communication tactics borrowed from other fields in their own work. In practice, however, many of us do not regularly work across disciplines and are unsure of how to bridge the gap and effectively communicate.